Sunday, September 25, 2005

MF - G

Written for a prompt over at Muse Muggers.

Lee sat at her bedside and watched each rise and fall of her chest. His hand held hers loosely, and he didn't know how long he could go on like this. She'd be like this for over a year now. Ever since the car accident that for all intensive purposes should have taken her life. Yet, by some odd twist of fate, she still lived on. Unaided by machine. Her chest rising and falling with each and every breath she took.

Each and every night, he came here to sit by her side. Just as he had promised he would. They had only been married two years when she had gone out that night. Wanting to run out to pick something she just needed to have for their dinner. He'd offered to go, but she told him no. He'd worked a twelve hour shift that day, and it would only take her fifteen minutes to drive up to the market and back. The rain had been falling off and on, and as she pulled into the intersection a mere block from their home, she had not one chance as the brakes failed on the car from the other direction.

Now, he sat and wait here. Waiting for some sign, any sign from her. Wanting her to do something , anything would do. Squeeze his hand, open her eyes. Anything. He had swore to always be by her side, in sickness and health til death do them part, and he had no intentions of breaking that promise to her. It was getting harder though.

The doctor's had no idea why she hadn't woken. Physically she had healed, but she slept on. Truly slept and slept. Just one sign. He sighed softly, glancing down at his watch and noting how late it was. He really should be returning home. Yet, he found himself wanting to stay longer. He leaned back in the chair he sat on, his eyes closing. Maybe he would just rest here a bit.

Somehow he drifted off to sleep there where he sat. Unknown to him, his wife lay there watching him. Having awoken soon after he closed his eyes. When the nurse woke him up some hours later, he glanced at the bed, his wife once again sound asleep.
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Queer as Folk MM PG

Sorry its been awhile since I've posted in here, I've been busy setting up a new blog, One Couch Critic. This is a review blog where I'll cover books, movies, music, and television shows.

Over the summer, I've reviewed such shows as Queer as Folk, So You Think You Can Dance, and Real World: Austin for various sites. My review blog will expand that to include shows such as The OC, ER, Grey's Anatomy, and Lost. If you're a fan of any of these shows come on over and check it out!

Title: It hurt
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Warning: Season 5 spoilers

It hurt. Right there in the middle of his chest. The moment he heard about the bombing at Babylon on the cabbie's radio, the pain had settled in. The only thing he knew could take it away was knowing Justin was okay. Seeing him, holding him, touching him. He knew things weren't the best for them right now, but none of that mattered. All that did matter was that this man was okay. Everything else came second. Babylon. Some drunken party he had planned to fly off to. All that mattered was Justin.

Tearing through the ruins of his business, he saw the bodies, he saw those still alive, but injured, make their way out of the once glowing building. He saw friends of his, people he had known for years, but he couldn't stop. Not yet. He had no time. For all he knew, Justin lay under some rubble somewhere in the building.

Brian stopped, the breath leaving his body, the pain easing just a bit when he saw Justin standing there. Hurt, but not terribly so. He stood there for a moment before he stepped forward, taking the younger man into his arms. For now that's all he wanted. The rest would come. It always did.