Friday, November 03, 2006

Supernatural PG; Gen

Title: Denial
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean-centric
Summary: Dean's thoughts at the end of No exit.
Rating: PG for language.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm only playing with them in my head for a bit.

Dean stood there as she walked away. He could stop her, but what good would that do? The sins of the father always seemed to come back to bite their son's in the ass. At least, that is what happened in this case. For a split second there he hadn't believed. No way in hell would their father fuck something up and cost another man his life. Jo wouldn't just say that though. She had to hear it from Ellen, and Jo's mom didn't seem the type to make shit up. Maybe she got it wrong though? Maybe it was the anger talking. Maybe ... Dean sighed, raking his fingers through his hair as he glanced out over at his brother. "Let's get out of here." Sam started to ask him what happened, but Dean just shook his head and got behind the wheel of the Impala. "Later okay? I'll tell you later," he mumbled as he drove away from the Roadhouse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For instance, I once dreamt about a kind of swimming-bath where the bathers suddenly separated in all directions; at one place on the edge a person stood bending towards one of the bathers as if to drag him out.. As a matter of fact, the elder would have been a confirmed drunkard twenty years before had his wife been less strong-minded.. But since the downfall of the mythological hypothesis an interpretation of the dream has been wanting.. Tabb and Miss Hoogencamp, the two middle-aged gossips from Scranton, Pa.. There is quite a draught from that broken window.. I need not say that the lady I refer to is Miss Zaidee Juno Hooker, only daughter of Almira Ann Hooker, relict of Jefferson Brown Hooker, formerly of Boone County, Kentucky, and latterly of--er--Pike County, Missouri.. He did not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. Probably that is why it sinks into oblivion-- i.. The Major inquired what the old man was doing so far from his home.. He was alone--as usual--the Colonel's office really being his private lodgings, disposed in connecting rooms, a single apartment reserved for consultation.. Here a closed wagon is waiting, a gentleman steps up to me, gives his authority as an agent of the police, and demands that I should follow him.. Wherever there is an italic, the hickory descended. Even the peccant schoolmaster and his pretended letters were forgotten, while the sapient Goliath, every time that he raised the spear, in the energy of his declamation, to thump upon the stage, picked away fragments of the low ceiling, which fell conspicuously on his great shock of black hair.. It was part of the fuel of his vanity that his audience had never yet had enough of him.. Hence we cannot refuse to acknowledge that the two kinds of essentially different psychic processes participate in the formation of the dream; one forms perfectly correct dream thoughts which are equivalent to normal thoughts, while the other treats these ideas in a highly surprising and incorrect manner.. Had Ross taken time to think, he might have reflected that gentlemen making formal calls seldom join in a chase after the main dish of the family supper.. He had little use for doing the usual thing in the usual sort of way.. Evelyn, called her mother from the hall. There is a meaning in all these cases when different persons are amalgamated into one substitute.. In truth, the dream work is only the first recognition of a group of psychical processes to which must be referred the origin of hysterical symptoms, the ideas of morbid dread, obsession, and illusion...

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:44 PM  
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5:17 PM  
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9:00 PM  
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2:46 AM  

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