Tuesday, May 30, 2006

M/M Queer as Folk PG -13

Written for a prompt, tears, at slashthedrabble.

Title: If only ...
Author: Eroticisms
Archive: Here and here. Elsewhere by permission only.
Summary: Queer as Folk Season five finale. Brian thinking about all that has happened.
Rating: PG - 13
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm only playing with them in my head for a bit.

Tears. What the hell was this? Brian Kinney didn't cry. He reached up and wiped just below his eye, and he found the dampness there. He got something in his eye. That was all it was. He sat there for a moment on his bed, looking at the empty loft. All his things were gone. Nothing was left. He was off to New York City, and Lindsay was probably already settling in up there in Canada. Crazy lesbians, running to Canada..

He'd lost his best friend, his son and his lover all in the span of a week, and now he was left with what? There was always Little Mikey. Things were getting better there he supposed. He was still amused over the fact the man had turned into this packaged couple living in the suburbs. Now who saw that coming? He stood up and walked over to the shower, disrobing along the way. He couldn't sit here moping all night. Fuck that. He should go find some guy and forget all about this.

He stopped in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection for a moment. Shaking his head, he mumbled softly, "If only it was that easy."

Trying to make a comeback ...

This blog has been silent for far too long, but there is a reason for it. My muses have been dreadfully uncooperative and silent. I'm hoping to reawaken them. I've made another home base for my work on livejournal. There I hope to find prompts and ideas to set my imagination free. Some of the posts here will be fan fiction in nature or short original fiction drabbles. Longer original works I will write for publication and submit to the appropriate places. Once published here I can't do that. I've been busy this year with my other writings, but with the summer months, I should have a bit more time on my hands. That said, let's hope this works!